Come, let’s visit a while…

I love people! I love the space and place an authentic voice applies to everything experienced, imagined and yet to be imagined. This blog is all about loving people. Loving the stories that we all bring to the table. Loving truth that marries the two together. I’m not after perfection but the authentic experience of […]
Overcoming fear: Beautiful Steps to take towards Your victory.

Often times, the hardest step towards achieving any goal is taking that first step. Whether it’s fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, paralysis analysis, its gotsta go! But in order to do this, you and only you can be the one to take that first step.
Analyzing the genesis, the value and path to friendship.

Why bother with friends? Why bother with people if you know at some point you’re going to argue, feel betrayed, hurt, anger and the like? Why bother? Because friendship, like anything else, has at least two faces. You have the aforementioned side to friendship. But how about the other one… the face that encompasses riches […]
4 key pillars to being tenacious: Discovering willpower to succeed.

Part of life is that we are always about something but staying the course to achieve those somethings can be tough.
Unusual Life lessons from Kenny Rogers and 4 inch heels

Decision – making: The good, bad and ugly happened. Why do we do this to ourselves people? We make decisions that we know somewhere in the back of our minds, we will regret and wonder why we did what we did in the first place!
5 Proven Steps to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Intentionally practicing gratitude doesn’t mean that this becomes a mechanical action, but rather, we become more grateful for things that might have once overlooked. We become more aware of the value they hold. Developing and maintaining an attitude of gratitude is a vital nutrient towards living with victory in mind.
People, the strange truth about scary: going boldly where never gone before… Ok semi-boldly but mind made up. Still going.

Is commitment an ugly word? Sometimes, it sure feels like it. I mean the struggle is real to stay the course, go the distance. Embrace the joy as you work through the “Is this worth it?”
Strategic Thinking Starts in ME

Blink once, or more, if you’ve ever talked to yourself about anything while staring at your reflection in a mirror… Since I figure this includes the majority of us, as a follow up to my last blog, I thought to add onto these and other reflective life moments, especially as we step into a new decade in just a few days. Hang on for this transforming ride…
New Decade. New Perspectives… Embracing the potential within us.

When it comes to goals that are rooted in addressing the very core of our nature, what we were created for, we have a much tougher challenge in identifying who we really are and what we really want i.e. personal dreams and desires to establish these specific goals. What indeed fuels the soul and enlivens our spirit?
To all the caregivers in our midst… thank you.

Celebrating family. Celebrating community. I wanted to take some time to highlight some of the heroes and heroines in our midst… our caregivers. It doesn’t matter what country you come from. Or what people group, race, color, nationality you associate yourself with. One thing is certain. The very young to the geriatrics amongst us, have had and will all eventually need a caregiver.